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The following is a report written by the Infantry Recreation Officer of the Hawaiian Division, Lt. George L. Febiger, which details both the importance and existence of organized sporting events recognized and supported by the U.S Government.This report, in conjunction with our collectible military dies, demonstrates the importance of island sporting events in the early 1900's and validates the authenticity of the athletic medallions, to be posted on this site at a later date. The report further indicates that the military competed in civilian events, such as the Rainbow Relays and other competitions sponsored by the AAU, when their schedule allowed.

We hope you have an enjoyable read and look forward to your comments.

Athletics and Records

  1. Foreword
  2. Athletic and recreational activities in the Hawaiian Departmental - - general
  3. Athletic facilities at the various posts
  4. Data and Description
    1. Baseball
    2. Basketball
    3. Bowling
    4. Boxing
    5. Fencing
    6. Football
    7. Football - - six man
    8. Golf
    9. Gymnastics
    10. Handball
    11. Horsemanship
    12. Polo
    13. Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship
    14. Skeet
    15. Softball
    16. Squash
    17. Swimming
    18. Tennis
    19. Track and field
    20. Volleyball
  5. Major championship records, Hawaiian Division

1. Foreword by Lt. Colonel George L. Febiger, Infantry, Recreation Officer, Hawaiian Division.

The comprehensive programs for the athletic, recreational, and educational programs for the Hawaiian Division are financially supported by profits from three moving-picture theaters operated by the Recreation Office; which theaters are in no way connected with the Army Motion Picture Service. The athletic and recreational programs are supervised by the Recreation Office.

Leagues are conducted in baseball, football, and basketball. Track and field meets are run off in the Spring and a boxing tournament is conducted during three winter months. Total monthly spectator attendance during the past year reveals the following:

  • Baseball 42,600
  • Football 55,700
  • Basketball 47,000
  • Boxing 63,000

A ten-alley bowling alley is owned and operated by the Recreation Office. The General William H Carter (Post) Library is entirely supported by this office and owns practically all of its 35,000 volumes. A playground for noncommissioned officers' children is maintained and operated.

Dances for enlisted men are held weekly and young ladies from Honolulu are invited and bus transportation furnished them.

Swimming at Schofield Barracks is conducted as a recreational activity only and approximately 3,000 enlisted men per month are convoyed to Haleiwe Beach. In the Honolulu Sector swimming is an athletic sport and teams are maintained by the several posts.

The Recreation Office generously supports the Post Children's School and entirely supports several schools for enlisted men.

Paragraphs 2.3.4, and 5, following, were contributed by Staff Sergeant K.S. Vandergrift, Office C-2 headquarters Hawaiian Division. Sergeant Vandergrift is the Hawaiian Division representative of the Honolulu Advertiser.
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2. Athletic and recreational activities in the Hawaiian Department-general.

The entire picture of the recreational and athletic setup in the Hawaiian Department can be summed up by the reporting that no where in the entire military establishment of the United States does there exist an athletic or recreational setup that can compare with that of the Hawaiian Department.

The mild climate of these subtropical islands makes it possible to engage in recreational sports the year round and every sport known to soldiers except winter sports are available. (Not, Ice Skating Rinks have just made their appearance in Oahu.)

No where in the Army does the enlisted man have so great an opportunity to engage in so many sports. There are countless sports for the team-athlete but there are many other sports for the individual who want just relaxation and exercise.

Recreation and athletics have always received the encouragement of all commanding officers for they go a long way towards making service in the islands even more pleasant. The league competitions offer interesting recreation for all those who attend the contests and throughout the year there is hardly a weekend that does not have at least some kind of an athletic contest to provide entertainment for the men. This weekly athletic entertainment feature is a great morale factor and has always been recognized as such.

Athletics are maintained for the most part without expense to the individual, with contributions to the athletic funds and from the recreation funds maintaining the sports.

Every post in the island has tracks and fields, tennis courts, baseball fields, and most of them have theaters, handball court, and other facilities which are listed in the following paragraphs.

3. Athletic faculties at the various posts


For athletic purposes the Hawaiian Separate Coast Artillery Brigade, the Honolulu Sector Staff, and Hickam Field are organized into the Honolulu Sector League. In baseball, basketball, and swimming, Navy and Marine Corps teams are admitted to the loop to form a Sector-Navy League. This latter league is one of the few organizations in existence embracing all three branches of the Service.

Within the HSCAB are the Harbor Defenses of Honolulu, composed of Fort Ruger and Fort DeRussey, the 64th CAC (AA) at Fort Shafter, Fort Kamehameha, Hickam Field and Staff.

Honolulu is at somewhat of a disadvantage as they do not have a post gymnasium. However, the remaining facilities of the remaining teams in the loop.

  • Fort DeRussey: A fine running track at Fort DeRussey where the Hawaiian Department track and field championship[s were held in 1936 and 1938, plus a well-turfed baseball diamond, an outdoor boxing arena. A swimming beach with paddle tennis courts, handball courts, horseshoe pitching courts, two one-meter diving boards, one one-meter diving board, and several swimming floats also adjoin the beach post.
  • Fort Kamehameha: with it's spacious Somervell Hall where a majority of the Sector boxing cards are held is the best equipped post in the Sector. Located near Somervell Hall is a fast running track, an excellent baseball diamond. Nearby is located a saltwater swimming pool where members of the post may enjoy the excellent ocean water under the ever watchful eyes of trained guards.
  • Fort Shafter: in lower Kalihi Valley, has everything for the development of their athletes with the exception of a track. The "Gunners" use the Fort DeRussey track for training purposes. The Shafter baseball stadium, situated in a natural amphitheater, accommodates upwards of 10,000 fans and has been the scene of many Department and Army-Navy championship contests. Fort Shafter opened a new bowling alley, erected at a cost of $15,000, this year (1939). In addition to this splendid new development, another bowling alley.
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Is situated at Fort Kamehmeha. In addition to the baseball diamond and the bowling alleys, Fort Shafter has a swimming pool, gymnasium and golf course. The latter is used by all personnel of the Sector. Two semiannual tournaments are held over the course.

  • Hickam Field: Athletic plans are still in the formative state since the post is still under construction.
  • Wheeler Field: Wheeler Field, located adjacent to Schofield Barracks became a separate pot in 1939. The Field has a well equipped gymnasium constructed inside one of the hangers. Included is a basketball court, handball court, squash court, and boxing ring, as well as a considerable gymnastic equipment. A double tennis court with lights for night playing is also on the field while away from the field proper a skeet range is maintained. In addition, a good many volleyball court are laid out near the main barracks and are in constant use. A new baseball field, Stribling Field, is to be constructed.
  • Schofield Barracks: Schofield Barracks has an athletic setup that is not equaled at any other post in the Army. Besides a centralized athletic setup maintained by the Recreation Office each regiment has a complete athletic plant. The Recreation Center, located in the approximate center of the post, contains a covered boxing arena with seating accommodations for nearly 10,000, a large post theater, two tennis courts, a gymnasium and bowling alleys. The gymnasium is used for all post basketball contests and also houses complete equipment for gymnastic, boxing, wrestling as well as two enclosed box handball courts.

Schofield Barracks also has very good 13-hole golf course, horseshoe ring, two practice polo fields, Benson Memorial polo fields which ranks with the best fields in the world, four tennis courts at the officers club which are among the best in eh island, and two beaches for swimming which are maintained at Haleiwa with connections to and from the post by free motor convoy,. There is also a rest camp at Wainanae, located on the beach.

Each regiment maintains a complete athletic plant which includes a baseball field, football field, boxing rings, gymnasium and training quarters, basketball court, tennis courts, handball courts, running tracks and volleyball courts.

Three of the football fields, Stoneman, Weight Smith, and Chickamauga Park, are used for post football and track and field meets. They are equipped with grandstands under cover to seat about 4,000 at each field. Wolfhound Field, 27th Infantry, is also used for track meets.

There are nine baseball fields which are used for Post baseball competition and each has permanent grandstand. Fields are:

  • Sergeant (11th FA)
  • Bishop (8th FA)
  • Hunter (13thFA)
  • Chickamauga Park (19th Inf)
  • Gimlet (21st Inf)
  • Sills (27th Inf)
  • Watt (35th Inf)
  • Davis (Staff)
  • Halston (Engrs)

4. Data and Description

a. Baseball: Baseball is an exceptionally popular sport with the Army in Hawaii. Schofield Barrack has a 10-team league playing three rounds with, each team completing a 27 game schedule. Teams in the league are the 11th, 8th, and 13th Field Artillery Regiments; 19th, 21st, 27th, and 35th Infantry Regiments; Staff (Special Troops with 11th quartermaster and 11th Medical Regiments); 3rd Engineers; and the 18th Pursuit Group from Wheeler Field. Each regiment has its own playing field and all fields are used during the three and one-half month long season.
The Honolulu Sector combines its baseball with ht e 14th Naval District forming the Sector-Navy league. The Navy adds two teams, the Submarine Base and Patrol Wing Two, and the Marines add another.
The winner of the Schofield Barracks league annually plays the top Army team of the Sector-Navy loop for the Hawaiian Department championship. The winner of the Army title then plays the top Navy team of the sector-Navy league for the Island Service baseball championship.
Three teams, the Submarine base, Fort Shafter (64th CAC), and the 21st Infantry, have dominated the three leagues the past years (1936 - 1940).
Baseball attracts crowds from 500 to 10,000 as was the case of the Service championship playoff between the 21st Infantry and Submarine Base of Pearl Harbor played at Schofield's Sills Field in 1938.
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b. Basketball: Basketball is a major sport al all posts in the Hawaiian Department. Schofield Barracks has a 10-team league compromised of the 11th, 8th, and 13th Field Artillery regiments; the 19th, 21st, 27th, and 35th Infantry regiment; Staff; 3rd Engineers; and the 18th Pursuit Group from Wheeler Field. The 10 teams play a two-round schedule, each team playing 18 games. For the past eight years (1932-1939) the 3rd Engineers won the Schofield title, setting an all time Island and Army basketball record. All games are played in eh Schofield Post gym, with two games a night during January and February.
The Honolulu Sector has a league comprised of Fort Shafter, Fort Kamehmeha, Honolulu, Staff, and Hickam Field.
The Honolulu Sector competes in the sector-Navy league which has in addition to the five Army teams the Patrol wing Two and Submarine Base of the Navy and the Marines. The league plays a two-round schedule. Each team meeting the other teams twice. Games are played twice a week in the various gyms of the teams.
An annual Hawaiian Department Championship play-off is conducted between the Schofield Barracks champions and the winner of the Sector league.
The only complete Territorial Inter-Island tournament ever held was conducted at Schofield barracks in 1934 and won by the 3rd Engineers.

c. Bowling: During 1939 bowling took its place as the sport with the largest player attendance in the Hawaiian Department. Alleys are located at the following posts:

      • Schofield Barracks - 10 alleys
      • Fort Shafter - 6 alleys
      • Fort Kamehameha - 4 alleys
      • Wheeler Field - 4 or 6 alleys to be built in 1940
      • Hickam Field - 4 alleys to be built in 1940

Other Sector posts make use of the Shafter and Kamehameha alleys as well as the 14 alleys which are located at the Pearl Harbor Naval Station.
These alleys were all installed and are serviced by the Brunswick-Balke-Callander Co., the world's largest dealers in bowling equipment. The alleys are frequently checked for accuracy so that any records made may receive recognition by the American Bowling Congress.
Estimates are that 3,500 members of the Hawaiian Department bowl regularly at one of the above alleys.
The Army leagues are as follows:

      • Schofield Barracks:
        1. Brigade League
        2. All regimental "A"
        3. All regimental "B"
        4. Officers-ladies
        5. Open regimental novice
      • Honolulu Sector:
        1. Post league (Equivalent to Schofield Brigade)
        2. Inter-battery Novice League at all posts
        3. Sector-Navy League between Army-Navy-Marines, rolled at Shafter and Navy alleys

Schofield National Winners: The first part of 1940, February 21, saw the Schofield Barracks "B" bowling team win the annual YMCA National Telegraphic tournament. Schofield bowling teams are just about as good amateur performers to be found in the world. By special letter from New York City the results of the 1940 national YMCA Telegraphic Bowling Tourney were made known. Schofield leads all the rest; 104 of the best civilian and service terms in the world, to be exact.
It was the 18th annual such bowling tourney, which annually shows teams from every section of the United States and from China, the Philippines, Panama, Puerto Rico, Canada,m and anyplace else where the YMCA could supervise the one night tourney.
By their entry Schofield made Hawaii a representative for he second time in many years. In fact, last year Hawaii was represented, by the army bowlers, for the first time in a decade.
The long list shown the No.2 Schofield team as winners this year with a 3,1890 score and the No. 1 Schofield team in third place with their 3,054 score turned in. An this high honor is in the classy A competition, which put the soldier bowler here in the best circles.
On the Eastern coast, where more population resulted in keener competition than other sections, there was represented the most runner-ups to Schofield teams. The civilians team from Brocton, Mass., finished second with 44 pins under the impressive 3,189 by Schofield
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Schofield's No. 1 team took third place with 3,054 pins. The margin of superiority for Hawaii's entries was good enough to top the teams below third place by nearly 200 pins, starting with fourth place Yonkers, N.Y., civilian five man team.
Emory C. Wixon of the second place Brockton, Mass., team was high single man with a neat 279, almost unbeatable bowling in a tournament. He also was high triple game man with his 709. Paulhamus of Schofield was behind him with a 686 for three games score. The 257 rolled by both Paulhamus and Okerstrom was third high score in the tourney. Ahead of them were Tom Harris of the Carbondale, Pa., team; and Charles Fabor of the Ashland, Ohio team. The latter bowled one better, a 258. Mr. Harris had a 266.
Schofield grabbed off several more honors besides the big one which will bring them a handsome silver cup from the tourney sponsors. They were the high among the service entries from all over the world and their high single and three games scores are tops also in the same field. For these high games special medals will be awarded Paulhaus and Okerstrom.
Another reward, and the most interesting in many ways, is the "State certificate" Schofield will receive. With so many teams represented from each state on the mainland, especially those of New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, the custom has been to recognize top teams in states entered annually with a certificate. Hawaii, thanks to Schofield, won the tournament.

Following are the players and scores:
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Emblem1Emblem 2 Trademark JewelersEmblem1Emblem 2 Trademark JewelersEmblem1Emblem 2 Trademark Jewelers

Team No.1
  • R. LeSueur
  • R. A. Wales
  • T.J. Kelly
  • E.A. McDonald
  • H.S. Reese



Team No. 2


  • J. Murphy
  • F. Miller
  • J.T. Williams
  • K. Paulhamus
  • B. Okerstrom




d. Boxing: Boxing is a major sport at all posts of the Hawaiian Department. Schofield Barracks has a 10-team league compromised of the 11, 8th, and 13th Field Artillery Regiments; 19th, 21st, 27th, and 35th Infantry Regiments; Staff 3rd Engineers, and Wheeler Field.
All boxing smokers are held in the covered Arena at Schofield Barracks which can seat 10,000 and is one of the finest bowls in the country.
An average of 30 smokers are held during the year which extends from December through March. Each smoker has an average of 11 bouts.
The Honolulu Sector hold boxing smokers at their own post for the Inter-battery championships. At the end of the year champions of the Sector are selected based upon merit.
The winners of the Schofield Barracks titles are proclaimed Division champions who finish up in Class I. Fighters are classified at Class V (novice and can work up through classes IV, II, I to the championship bracket. Class I, II, and II men receive gold, silver, and bronze medals respectively from the Division Recreation Office in addition to their regular regimental awards.
At the conclusion of the regular boxing seasons Department Championships are sometimes held. Those champions or contenders of the Sector who wish to challenge a Division champion for the department title may do so. The winner is the Department champion but if there is no fight for the title the Department title is left vacant.
Weights contested are heavyweight, light heavyweight, middleweight, welterweight, junior welterweight, lightweight, junior lightweight, featherweight, and bantamweight.
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e. Fencing: Fencing was added to the sports calendar at Schofield Barracks late in 1939. Under the tutelage of Sgt. John Tracy, Office C-2, HQ Haw. Div., some 20 enlisted men are receiving instructions in the use of the foils and sabers.
Several exhibition matches have been held from time to time but there is no organized competition between teams regiments. Fencing instruction is held in the Schofield post gymnasium. Members of the Honolulu Sector are able to receive fencing instruction at the central YMCA. There are also several Army men enrolled in the fencing classes at the civilian academy in Honolulu.

f. Football: Football is played only at Schofield Barracks which has a nine team league comprised of the 11th, 8th, and 13th, Field Artillery regiments; 19th, 21st, 27th, and 35th Infantry regiments; Staff, and 3rd Engineers. Wheeler Field dropped from the league in 1932.
Each team plays the other team once with double-headers on Saturdays and Sundays. This plan gives one team a bye each week.
Three fields are used for the games; Chickamauga Park, 19th Infantry; Stoneman Field, 21st Infantry; and Wright Smith Field, 13th Field artillery. The Recreation Office maintains these fields and each can accommodate approximately 3,000 spectators.
The winning team, based on a percentage of two points for wins and one for ties, is the championship team. In case of ties co-championships are listed.
All-Star games between the combined Infantry teams and combined Engineer-Staff-Artillery teams have been played but were discontinued in 1939.
Two times Schofield Barracks' teams have met Navy teams for the Service championship but there is no regular series.
The Honolulu Sector engages in an intensive swimming program in lieu of football.

g. Football, Six Man.: Six-man football was introduced at Schofield Barracks in 1938 as an inter-company and battery sport and has proven to be very popular. Games played by the 8th Field Artillery battery teams attracted crowds of several thousands. The sport is classes as inter-company.

h. Golf: The Hawaiian Department is fortunate indeed to have two well equipped golf courses available for all. One course is located at Fort Shafter and the other at Schofield Barracks. Both the Department and Schofield Barracks have Senior (officers) and Junior (enlisted) men's clubs who use the courses. Club House are maintained by both clubs.
At Schofield Barracks many tournaments are run each year for both officers, enlisted men, and the ladies. Some of the better known annual tourneys are the Dairymen's Chun Hoon Easter, Honolulu Sporting Good Co., Primo, Martin (Grass Hut) Mattison 4th of July, and Civilian associates invitational and the officers return invitational. Several tourneys are also run of the Shafter course.
Gold is exceptionally popular with all members of the Department and more than 2,000 players make use of the courses which are in very fine condition at all times.
The Hawaiian Department has a yearly tournament for the enlisted men with preliminary rounds played at the two courses and finals over the Schofield course.
The Schofield Barracks course has been the scene of some of the finest play in the world since many of the visiting top ranking players of the world have played over the 18 holes.
In 1939, the club champions at Schofield was won by a Navy officer, Lt. F. D. Heyer (Fleet Air Base), being the first time a Naval officer has held the Army title. The two Schofield clubs, Senior and Junior, extended their privileges to the corresponding ranks of the other services and the Senior Club also has a small civilian associate membership list.
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i. Gymnastics: Gymnastic classes are held at the Schofield Barracks post gym under the supervision of the Recreation Office. YMCA Advisor, Mr. H. C. Himlin, who is stationed at Schofield Barracks, teaches the classes. Also acting as instructors are former West Point Gymnastic stars.
The Gymn sport has proven to be quite popular since its inauguration at Schofield Barracks in 1939.
Members of the Sector posts also have gymnastic instruction available at the Honolulu Army and Navy YMCA.
There is no organized competition between regiments posts.

j. Handball: Handball is another popular past-time recreational sport in all regiments. All Sector posts have handball courts accessible for play in spare time. At Schofield Barracks each regiment has two or more open air courts while the Post gym has two of the finest enclosed box courts in the islands.
Schofield Barracks runs two open singles and double tournaments each year with prizes and trophies being presented to the winners.
There is no inter-post or inter-regimental competition.

k. Horsemanship: Horsemanship classes are provided at both Fort Shafter and Schofield Barracks where stables are maintained. At Fort Shafter the horsemanship classes are fined mostly to children, ladies, and officers who for the most part use private mounts. Government mounts, however,are available for most enlisted men who desire to use them for rides during their free time. Instruction is also given them by members of the stable detachments.
At Schofield Barracks horsemanship classes are operated by the Division stables for all members of the garrison who so desire to make use of them. These are classes for beginners, intermediates, advanced jumpers, and enlisted men. Horses are available for holiday rides by all men.
Two horseshows are held each year with competition open to civilians and Army personnel. The horse show committee headed by the commanding general and a director which he appoints conducts the two show. The second show is generally a two-day show. The two shows in 1939 at Schofield Barracks surpassed in attendance, entry list, and popularity any show ever conducted in the Hawaiian Department.
The Honolulu Sector also hold one or two shows a year at the Fort Shafter ring.

l: Polo: Polo stables are maintained by the Hawaiian Department at Kapiolani Park, Honolulu, and Schofield Barracks. The Schofield Barracks polo association maintains a government string of mounts but has come to depend heavily the past few years upon the use of private mounts. If replacements are not secured for the government string within another year, polo will be poorly mounted.
Schofield Barracks Benson Memorial Polo field, named in honor of 1st Guy Benson, 11th Field Artillery, is one of the best turfed, full sized fields in the world today. It has been ranked on a par with Meadowbrook by visiting international stars.
A three month polo season is played each year with all officers of the Hawaiian Department eligible to join the polo association and play. Tournaments are played among the officer teams divided according to handicap ratings. Tournaments are also played with civilian entries.
Tournaments in competition each year with perpetual trophies are the:
    1. Maj. Gen. Briant H. Wells
    2. Lt.Gen. Albert J Bowley
    3. Walter H. Dillingham
    4. Oahu Championships
    5. Inter Island


m. Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship: Rifle and pistol marksmanship has taken a tremendous increase in interest among Army teams since early in 1939. During the 1939 season the 27th Infantry team won the Territorial championship with the second team from the 27th Infantry taking second place. As a result, they were presented with the Bausch and Lomb trophy at a colorful ceremony. Most of the regiments of the Hawaiian Division have teams engaging in rifle and pistol shoots at least once a month. Results of the 1939 Territorial annual matches which saw the Army win most matches are as follows:

Results of Annual Matches, Hawaiian Territorial Rifle Association

Territorial Five Man Team Championship (Bausch and Lomb Trophy)
  1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total
First Place (Champion) 27th Inf. 1933 1904 1955 1945 7737
Second Place 27th Inf. 1927 1903 1944 1943 7717
Third Place Oahu Rifle and Pistol C 1899 1913 1948 1955 7715

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Territorial Individual Championship
First Place (Champion) Sgt. Southland, 27th Infantry 1570 (pos. 1600)
Second Place Jackson, Oahu Rifle and Pistol Club 1564
Third Place Perry, Oahu Rifle and Pistol Club 1558
50 Meter Individual
First Place Sgt. Buckrod, 27th Infantry 388 (Pos. 400)
Second Place Akana, Chinese Gun Club 386
Third Place Sgt. Southard, 27th Infantry 386
100 Yard Individual
First Place Perry, Oahu Rifle and Pistol Club 395
Second Place Sgt. Southard, 27th Infantry 395
Third Place Sgt. Wendston, 27th Infantry 392
Individual DeWar
First Place Jackson, Oahu Rifle & Pistol Club 395
Second Place Sgt.. Southard, 27th Infantry 395
Third Place Cpl. Young, 27th Infantry 392
50 Yard Individual
First Place Sgt. Ady, 27th Infantry 397
Second Place Jackson, Oahu Rifle & Pistol, Club 397
Third Place Miller, Oahu Rifle & Pistol Club 397
Fourth Place Sgt. Buckrod, 27th Infantry 396
Two Man Teams
First Place Jackson-Anderson, Oahu Rifle & Pistol Club 777
Second Place Buckrod-Haines, 27th Infantry 777
Third Place Campbell-Southard, 27th Infantry 777
Fourth Place Miholick-Perry, Oahu Rifle & Pistol Club 777

n. Skeet: Skeet was a recognized sport at Schofield Barracks from 1936 to 1938 but has been dropped. A range as built near the post range but was abandoned. The expense in maintaining the teams was found to not be comparable to the number of men making use of the range.
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o. Softball: Softball serves as an interlude inter-company sport and is played by all organizations at all posts. Nearly every regiment at every post maintains an inter-battery league for the sport and crowns a championship team.
Casual observers have noted that no sport in the Army receives as much player attention as does softball. The season generally lasts for four months preceding the regular baseball season buy play continues throughout the year.

p. Squash: Squash is a new sport to the Army in Hawaii. The Schofield Barracks Recreation Office working with the Wheeler filed Athletic officials constructed a squash court in a hangar at Wheeler Field. It is open each afternoon and evening for play and is much in demand. There are no competitive leagues in the sport.

q. Swimming: Swimming is an organized major inter-post sport in the Honolulu Sector, taking the place of football. At Schofield Barracks swimming is only afforded at the recreational beaches at Haleiwa and Waianae and in the camps maintained along the shores for training.
Schofield Barracks operates a life guard school to train guards. They operate convoys to the beaches on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings and afternoons.
There is no organized swimming competition between regiments at Schofield Barracks.
In the Sector swimming meets draw large crowds. The biggest meets are held in the Army and Navy YMCA pool in Honolulu, although Fort DeRussy and Fort Kamehameha have adjacent swimming facilities.
The swimming champions of the Army during the 1939 season were:

Event Name Organization
50 yard freestyle Kish Ft. Kam
50 yard breaststroke Wehmeyer Patrol wing II
50 yd. backstroke Coull Ft. Kam
100 yard Freestyle Kish Ft. Kam
150 Yard Backstroke Klimaski 64th CA
150 yard Medley swim Klimaski 64th CA
200 yard breaststroke Wehmeyer Patrol Wing II
220 Yard Freestyle Price 64th CA
1 meter diving Savicki HD of Honolulu
Sector Navy Swimming Records
Event Time Name Organization and Year
50 Yard Freestyle 24.2" Waidlich Honolulu 1932
50 Yard Breaststroke 30.04" Wehmeyer P{. Wing II 1939
50 Yard Backstroke 30" Webster (Lt.) Shafter 1932
100 Yard Freestyle 56.2" Tannehill Luke Field 1934
100 Yard Freestyle 56.2" Lake Kam 1934
150 Yard Backstroke 1'50.7" Wilson Shafter 1937
150 Yard Medley Swim 1'45.4" Weidlich Honolulu 1932
200 Yard Breaststroke 2'42.8" Wehmeyer P. Wing II 1939
200 Yard Backstroke 2'37" Wilson Shafter 1937
220 Yard Freestyle 2'42.8" Wehmeyer P. Wing II 1939
220 Yard Breaststroke 3'1.6" Steele Navy 1932
220 Yard Backstroke 2'54" Wilson Shafter 1937
300 Yard Medley Swim 4'0" Doble Kam 1936
300 Yard Medley Relay 3'25" ---- Shafter 1939
400 Yard Medley Relay (Freestyle) 3'25.8" ---- Kam 1937

r. Tennis: Tennis is played at all posts in the Hawaiian Department and nearly every post has more than one court. At Schofield Barracks the Tennis Association maintains four courts at the Tennis Association maintains four at the officers club while other courts are available at the 13th Artillery, upper post, 35th Infantry, and two sets of courts are located at Wheeler Field.
Schofield barracks has not done so much with tennis in the past few years as an inter-regimental sport, but at one time teams from regiment and brigades met in competition.
At the present time, Schofield Barracks holds annual officers and enlisted men's singles and doubles tournaments as well as club tournaments for the officers' ladies. An open tournament is held at regular intervals.
The Honolulu Sector stresses tennis as an outstanding sport and their teams rank favorable in all island competition. The Sector entrants dominate the annual Hawaiian Department open singles and doubles championships are also held in the officers' enlisted men's classes.
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s. Track and Field: Track and field records of the Hawaiian Islands held by members of the Hawaiian Department:


Event: 100 Yard Dash Meet






Name and Organization

*AUU 9.8" 1918 L. Watson, 25th Infantry
Honolulu Sector 10.0" 1931 Lt. W. Vestal Kam.
Department 9.8" 1934 D. Martin, Honolulu Sector
Department 9.8" 1937 Lovett, 27th Infantry
Division 9.8" 1937 Lovett, 27th Infantry


Event: 120 Yard High Hurdle






Name and Organization

Department 15.6" 1934 Bucklew, 3rd Engineers
Division 15.6" 1934 Bucklew, 3rd Engineers
*AUU 15.6" 1934 Bucklew, 3rd Engineers
*Rainbow Relays 15.7" 1936 K. Lee, 21st Infantry
Department 15.6" 1937 K. Lee, 21st Infantry
Division 15.6" 1937 K. Lee, 21st Infantry
Department 15.6" 1938 C. Monolux, 64th CA.
Honolulu Sector 15.8" 1938 C. Monolux, 64th CA.


Event: 220 Yard Dash






Name and Organization

Division 22.0" 1934 Slessicki, 27th Infantry
Division 22.0" 1939 Scott, 35th Infantry
Honolulu Sector 22.2" 1934 D Martin, HD of H
Department 21.6" 1935 Shuler, Staff (Scho Bks)
Department 21.6" 1938 Scott, 35th Infantry


Event 220 Yard Low Hurdle






Name and Organization
Division 24.7" 1932 Pinkovich, 13th F. A.
Division 24.7" 1935 Bucklew, 3rd Engineers
Department 24.4" 1937 Lee, 21st Infantry
Division 24.7" 1937 Lee, 21st Infantry
Honolulu Sector 25.0" 1938 G. Monolux, 64th C.A.


Event: 440 Yard Dash






Name and Organization

*AUU 50.4" 1818 L. Ware, 25th Infantry
Department 51.2" 1935 Ostrom, 3rd Engineers
Division 51.2" 1935 Ostrom, 3rd Engineers
Department 51.2" 1937 Phelps, 8th F.A.
Honolulu Sector 51.9" 1937 Lt. K. Kenerick, Shafter


Event: 880 Yard Run






Name and Organization
Honolulu Sector 2'05.5" 1935 G. Dewees, Luke Field
Department 2'10.6" 1936 Brandeau, 11th F.A.
Division 2'10.6" 1936 Brandeau, 11th F.A.


Event: 1 Mile Run






Name and Organization
*AUU 4'53.2" 1936 Sadaj, HD of H.
Department 4'35.6" 1936 Sadaj, HD of H.
Division 4'40.5" 1936 Whitehead, 35th Infantry
Division 4'40.5" 1937 Reis, 35th Infantry
Honolulu Sector 4'37.6" 1938 Sadaj, HD of H.


Event: 2 Mile Run






Name and Organization
*AUU 10'04.4" 1929 F. Cerny
Department 10'26.2" 1935 Ayon, 19th Infantry
Honolulu Sector 10'033.4" 1935 J. Townsend


Event: 1/2 Mile Relay






Name and Organization
*AUU 1'30.6" 1933 Army Team:
*Rainbow Relays 1'31.2" 1935 Army team: Unknown
Department 1'31.2" 1939 27th Infantry
Division 1'31.2" 1939 27th Infantry
Honolulu Sector 1'31.2" 1938 HD of H:


Event: 1 Mile Relay






Name and Organization
*AUU 3'27.2" 1936 Army Team:
Department 3'30.3" 1937 Honolulu Sector:
Division 3'31.1" 1934 Staff (Schofield Barracks)
Honolulu Sector 3'39.0" 1936 HD of H:


Event: 2 Mile Relay






Name and Organization
*Rainbow Relays 8'22.5" 1936 Army Team:


Event: Medley Relay






Name and Organization
Division 8'11.7" 1938 Staff (Schofield Barracks)


Event: 4 Mile Relay






Name and Organization
*Rainbow Relays 19'12.8" 1935 Army Team: Names Unknown


Event: Around-the-Island Marathon Relay 85 Miles

Schofield Barracks

8 hrs. 41 min and 53 seconds #1934 Schofield Barracks


Event: Shot Put






Name and Organization
*Rainbow Relays 47'9 1/2" 1936 Lt.Moorman, Ft. Kam.
*AUU 47'1 1/2" 1936 Lt.Moorman, Ft. Kam.
Department 46'9 1/2" 1936 Lt.Moorman, Ft. Kam.
Honolulu Sector 46'8 1/2" 1936 Lt.Moorman, Ft. Kam.
Division 45'8 1/4" 1939 White, 27th Infantry.


Event: Discus Throw






Name and Organization
*Rainbow Relays 153'3" 1935 Jark
*AUU 150'0" 1935 Jark
Department 140'5 1/4" 1938 W. Smith, 18th P.G.
Division 140'5 1/4" 1938 W. Smith 18th P.G.
Honolulu Sector 133' 10 1/2" 1936 Andy Nations, Shafter


Event: Javelin Throw






Name and Organization
Department 206' 4 1/4" 1936 Jackson, 19th Infantry
Division 206' 4 1/4" 1936 Jackson, 19th Infantry
*AUU 189' 4" 1934 Karpinski, Shafter
Honolulu Sector 187' 4" 1937 Karpinski, Shafter
*Rainbow Relays 185' 8" 1935 Jackson, 19th Infantry


Event: Broad Jump






Name and Organization
Department 23' 7 1/2" 1939 Fiala, Ft. Kam
Honolulu Sector 23' 7 1/2" 1939 Fiala, Ft Kam
Division 22' 8 1/4" 1936 Goldberg, Staff (Scho Bks)


Event: High Jump






Name and Organization
Department 6' 5/8" 1939 St.John, 27th Infantry
Division 6' 5/8" 1939 St.John, 27th Infantry
*Rainbow Relays 6' 1935 S. Schuller
*Rainbow Relays 6' 1936 McFadden
Honolulu Sector 6' 1938 L. Hummell, HD of H.


Event: Pole Volt






Name and Organization
*Rainbow Relays 12'3 1/4" 1935 Sprinkle
Department 12'1 1/2" 1935 Slusser, Staff (Scho. Bks.)
Division 12' 1 1/2" 1935 Slusser, Staff (Scho. Bks.)
Honolulu Sector 11' 8" 1935 Hopkins, Shafter

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*The Army has not taken part in these meets due to the annual maneuvers conflicting as to dates during the past two years 1938-1939. From 1931 to 1937 the Army had little trouble in making up teams from the Department which were strong enough to take both meets.

#Army has not taken part since that year.

The one-mile walk, hammer throw, and medley relay are no longer scheduled events on Army track programs, but were once a part of the programs of both the Sector and Hawaiian Division.

t. Volleyball: Volleyball is in much the same class as soft-ball and takes its place as an inter-company sport. A large support from all regiments at all posts is received, and it could well be organized into a minor inter-regimental sport.
Most of the games are played after the evening meals, causing the sport to be known as the twilight loops.

5. Major championship Records, Hawaiian Division

  1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928
Basketball 35th
35th 8th 8th 11th ? 11th 13th
Baseball ? 21st 35th 27th 27th 11th
19th 21st
Football 21st
35th 13th 13th 13th 13th 27th 11th
Track & Field ? 11th 11th 11th 13th ? 27th 11th
Boxing ? 21st 11th 27th 19th 27th Eng.& Staff 35th
1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936
Basketball 35th
11th 35th Engr. Engr. Engr. Engr. Engr.
Baseball 27th 21st 21st 13th
13th 18th 11th 35th
Football 27th 35th 27th 35th 35th 13th 35th 35th
Track & Field 19th 19th 13th 13th 27th 27th Engr. 35th
Boxing 21st 8th 19th 21st 21st 21st 27th 21st
1937 1938 1939 1940        
Basketball Engr. Engr. Engr. 19th        
Baseball 27th 21st 21st
Football 35th 35th
Track & Field 27th 35th 27th          
Boxing 8th 8th 21st 21st        
* Won play off but teams listed as co-champions
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